Friday, February 29, 2008


Have you ever made "Hawaiian" haystacks? They're great for feeding large groups of people. Here's what you do.

1) Make a big pot of simple rice (brown or white).

2) Make a creamy sauce in the crock pot. Use a couple of shredded cooked chicken breasts, a carton of sour cream, a can or two of cream of chicken soup, and two cups of shredded cheese. If your chicken is already cooked you can expect the whole mixture to cook and become creamy in just a couple of hours. You could also add milk or chicken broth to thin it, or cream cheese to thicken it up a little. Whatever you like.

3) Put out bowls of toppings like: chopped celery, diced tomatoes, canned pineapple chunks, shredded coconut, sliced almonds, chow mein noodles, shredded cheese, anything else that you think sounds good.

Then just put everything on the table and let your guests make piles on their plates! Rice, then sauce, then any of the toppings that appeal to them. It's super-yummy and very easy to make large amounts.


Lesley said...

This reminds me of childhood. I am so glad you posted it, because it really is such an easy way to feed the thousands. Not that it happens a lot, but I will definitely remember next time it does.

Alicia said...

I love Hawaiian haystacks!!

Katie said...

We love chopped green onions and madarain oranges on ours. Chopped tomatoes are good too.