Friday, November 16, 2007

Request: Vegetable Side Dishes/Veggies

I am so bad at feeding my family veggies. Either I made a green salad (which my kids won't eat) or I just pop some frozen veggies into the microwave. Does anyone have any ideas of how to get more veggies into my kids in more varied ways? Thanks.


Lesley said...

Have you heard of Deceptively Delicious? It is a cookbook by Jerry Sienfelds wife, on how she slips pureed vegetables of a simialr color into homemade casseroles, chicken nuggets, even brownies. She apparently still serves veggies along side the main dish, so that the kids don't think veggies aren't important. But this way, she knows that even if they don't eat much vegetables knowingly, her kids are still getting them secretively.

Vicky said...

We're having the vegetable struggle, too, but one way that I like to make carrots really yummy is to glaze them. Just cook up 1 lb. of carrots (baby, or chunks of regular, peeled carrots), until they're tender-crip. I just boil them to make the next part easier. Then in a saucepan melt 1 Tbsp. butter and mix with 1 Tbsp. brown sugar. Then add the cooked carrots and cook over med-high heat, stirring frequently, until they're glazed. It adds a nice bit (but not a lot) of sweetness to a healthy food.

Katie said...

Ha. I was going to recommend the same thing that Lesley did. We do tons of veggies at our house and put "hidden" veggies in everything. Did you know you could put avacado in chocolate pudding?

Tori said...

My problem isn't that my kids won't eat veggies. Sophie's favorite snacks are soy beans, avacado, and frozen peas. I'm just boring when it comes to cooking them and need some new ideas.

Jen and Joe. said...

I load spaghetti sauce with vegetables....broccoli, carrots, almost-2-year-old won't pick out the veggies, so I consider it a success.. =) I haven't tried much else yet....

Allison B. said...

Acorn squash is a veggie that's pretty sweet, and might appeal to kids. Spaghetti squash is also fun to eat, and kids tend to eat things that are fun without question.
Just cut them in half and season (salt, pepper, and a little butter, or brown sugar, pumpkin pie spice, and a little butter.I've heard maple syrup is good too.) Then microwave for 5 or 8 minutes--there is usually a sticker on the squash that says.
Also, my hubby has been making brussel sprouts, which I liked when I was a kid because I could pretend that I was a giant eating cabbages in one bite. Just a thought. (Hubby cooks the brussel sprouts by cutting them in half, tossing them with garlic salt and olive oil, and baking them on a cookie sheet for about 20 minutes. Not sure what temp.)