Monday, January 21, 2008

I can't remember who mentioned her on this site before, but thank you. I have yet to try one of her recipes and not like it. I also really like how she shows you step by step how to do things. I've already posted her recipe for her cinnamon rolls, but I also love her rolls, her Oatmeal crispies, and her chicken spaghetti casserole. Try them if you get a chance. I'd post the recipes her, but she does a much better job.


Liz Johnson said...

AMEN! I love the Pioneer Woman! I can also say that her lasagna, queso dip, and peach crisp are amazing. I know a friend vouches strongly for her sheet cake.

Alicia said...

I love her too! Thanks for the recommendations because I never know what to try from her website- they all look so good! I can vouch for her mashed potatoes (oh my!), the candy cookies (with the reeses in the middle) she posted a little bit ago, and the bacon-wrapped jalapeƱo thingies. The only thing that is a little frustrating for me is that the recipes feed a country family and the ranch hands as well! :) Not a family of 3 1/2.

Tori said...

I recently purchased a recipe program (big oven deluxe) and it will reduce the servings for you once you type the recipe in. I usually half her recipes. The nice thing is you can freeze the other half if you like.

Lesley said...

Have you ever read her love story? Her account of how her "Marlboro Man" romanced her is excellent.

Tori said...

I can't wait for the next installment. It's addicting. Her Blog is so funny.

Allison B. said...

I thought I was the only one reading her on-line "romance novel"! It really is so romantic that I have to kiss my husband after I read it. :)